Original artwork by  Michael Massenburg, commissioned by Cecil and Miriam Fergerson, Art Education Consultant Services.

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Youth Education and
Community Outreach

This section hopes to inspire children, parents and teachers alike. What better way to learn about our history and the people that are important to us?

Creating a Hero
Suggested Grade Level: 11th Grade
View activities for other grade levels.

From the Doris Miller Activity Guide
(Courtesy of Austin Children's Museum)

Discussion: African-Americans in History
What constitutes a hero? Are there different levels of heroes or are their different types of heroes? Explain. Who is your hero? Why? Are you a hero to anyone? Explain. Are heroes recognized enough? Do you think heroes realize that they are heroes? Go back to who your hero is. Have you ever given them a medal, an award, or a gesture of recognition? Why or why not? How can we celebrate heroes?

Discuss this topic with your friends at school. You may also write a paper or a letter to your hero and submit it to DorisMiller.com. If we like your words, we will publish your work here!

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